Yeong Hwan Choi

Deep State : The Trilogy

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798230154259
Veröffentlicht März 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Yeong Hwan Choi
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
13,99 inkl. MwSt.
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■ Deep State Trilogy: The Hidden Hand That Shapes History
"The world as you know it is merely a stage. Behind the curtain, unseen forces pull the strings." - From wars and revolutions to economic crashes and global resets—history has always followed a script. But what happens when one man dares to question the narrative? Enter Simon Gray, the last heir of the Freemasons, caught in a battle that will decide the fate of humanity.
□ 『Book 1: Deep State - The Soul's Pact』
→ "If you desire power, you must sign away your soul."
· A single journal. A cryptic message. And a deadly journey that takes Simon from the ancient streets of Rome to the power centers of London and Jerusalem.
· As he uncovers the web of three secret factions—each vying for control—he realizes that the world is not as it seems:
1) Nemesis – A shadow empire built by an untouchable Chinese elite.
2) Eden – A Jewish-led force fighting for human autonomy and free will.
3) The Freemasons – Once the architects of civilization, now a fractured relic of the past... or are they?
· With the world's financial system on the verge of collapse, Simon is left questioning his own identity. And a single passage from the journal haunts him: "Stay awake. You do not know when the master of the house will return."
□ 『Book 2: Deep State - Crimson Claw』
→ "When I pass judgment, your flesh will be torn beneath my claws."
· Presidents are falling. Governments are crumbling. A mysterious virus spreads as the world teeters on the edge of chaos. And at the center of it all, a name whispered in fear—The Crimson Claw.
· She speaks with absolute certainty: "And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free? Foolish. Truth is a noose around your neck. And we hold the key."
· As Simon and Raphael hunt for clues in South Korea and the U.S., they stumble upon blueprints for a new world order. But those who see the truth don't live to tell it.
· Presidential impeachments, Rigged elections, Orchestrated riots, Synthetic pandemics, Vanishing evidence.
□ 『Book 3: Deep State – Memory Manipulation』
→ "Can you trust your own memories? Can you trust reality itself?"
· The world has reached its breaking point.
· Africa burns in civil war. The Middle East descends into chaos. China and Taiwan stand at the brink. And as the Third World War looms, the final confrontation between Eden and Nemesis is set. But for Simon, the battle is no longer about nations or ideologies—it's about the truth of his own existence.
· When the three gates open—Silver Gate, Golden Gate, Golver Gate—the final war will be decided.
★ The seventh trumpet will sound. The seven bowls of wrath will be poured. And at the very end, only the chosen will sit at the Last Supper.
· "Will you accept the Mark of the Beast? Or will you embrace your fate?"
· As Judgment Day arrives, one question remains: Who will be left standing?
√ NWO: A New World Order is rising. And humanity may not survive it.

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