Yuan-Ching Hsu, ¿¿¿

The Adventures of Lacquer Painting In Museum (Chinese Edition)

¿¿¿¿¿¿¿(¿¿¿¿¿). 1. Auflage. Sprache: Chinesisch.
epub eBook , 70 Seiten
ISBN 1647849268
EAN 9781647849269
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2016
Verlag/Hersteller EHGBooks
7,49 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

--------Long Nan Museum of Natural Lacquer Wares
Hundreds history of Taiwan Natural Lacquer is important cultural property for Taiwan, lacquer well produced predominantly based in Nantou Puli. Since 1918, Rhus succedanea L. var. dumoutieri kudo had been brought into Taiwan because of good quantities and quality. In the beginning, lacquer trees was planted and researched by Taiwan Governer-General's Office in Lien Hua Chih Research Center, earlier periods lacquer trees widely planted in Miaoli Tongluo. Due to Puli basins is suitable for lacquer trees grow up, in 1950s agricultural lacquer production started in Puli area. At that time, it opened the Taiwan Natural Lacquer Industry for over 30 years prime time, there were nearly twenty thousands of people lived on lacquer, lacquer farmers about ten thousands of people, lacquer trees highest planted area up to 2,500 hectares. In 1974, the annual production of raw lacquer reached 293 tons, half of raw lacquer exported to Japan, have benefited over 100,000 people who worked for advanced lacquer furniture industry in Taipei, Hsinchu, Lugang, Daxi and other regions in Taiwan that consumers preferred and earned large amounts of foreign exchange. Therefore, Puli is the home of Taiwan's lacquer. However, times changed, social and economics structural transformation led to Taiwan lacquer industry declined. Long Nan Museum of Natural Lacquer Wares, the only remaining Taiwan's lacquer industry has been manufacturing and exporting natural lacquer and excellent blend of beauty, elegance, great design, and extraordinary lacquer wares under strict inspection and quality control for more than 6 generations, trying best continuing Taiwan specific Hakka lacquer cultures and reappearing its glory.
In 1956, Hsu A Long, the originator of Long-Nan CO., LTD, continued natural lacquer business from ancestors. In 1960, he established corporation of Long Nan which is famous for excellent lacquer refining and best quality of natural lacquer. Almost 90% of natural lacquer produced in Taiwan must be inspected strictly by Hsu Yu-Fu, the CEO of Long-Nan CO., LTD, and approved under "-" seal before exporting.
In 1988, Hsu Yu-Fu, the CEO of Long-Nan CO., LTD, based on the missions for preserving century history of Taiwan Natural Lacquer, he decided to form Long-Nan Museum of Natural Lacquer Wares. There are over ten thousands of historic-cultural collections of natural lacquer wares in Long-Nan Museum. Every year, not only Taiwan people but also many tourists come from all over the world to visit our museum.

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