Zach Williams

Beautiful Days

A collection of uncanny short stories about manhood and modern America. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 0241999472
EAN 9780241999479
Veröffentlicht Juli 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Penguin

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Deeply uncanny and hauntingly resonant - strange stories about modern America, for fans of George Saunders, Mariana Enriquez and Paul Beatty
'A brilliant debut' Jeffrey Eugenides
'Beautiful, disquieting, profound in the true meaning of that word ' Hari Kunzru
'These stories will change you' Jonathan Safran Foer
A young family is trapped in a time loop in an idyllic holiday cabin. A middle-aged man becomes convinced that his disappointing son is an impostor. Two brothers take a midnight ride in a golf cart and run into trouble. The elderly tour guide at an alien contact site loses control of his guests. Meanwhile, all around them, America is dissolving, fragmenting, distorting beyond recognition.
The antiheroes of Beautiful Days are chronic underachievers: men lost in their own lives and plagued by loneliness, self-doubt, suppressed rage. When the worst happens, they take to the road - crossing the wilderness in stolen cars, riding trains to the end of the line, or cruising along ruined monorails as the skyline burns.
Zach Williams' stories are haunted by the ghosts of America - its lost illusions, its dark aspirations, its boundless, disquieting potential. They leak through the fabric of reality and out into the void beyond. And they reach, ever-hopeful, toward a moment of connection that might pull a body back from the brink.


Zach Williams was born in Wilmington, Delaware. He holds an MFA from New York University, where his thesis adviser was Zadie Smith, and was a Wallace Stegner Fellow in Fiction at Stanford University 2021-2023. His fiction has appeared in the New Yorker, Paris Review and McSweeney's. Before becoming a writer, he spent over a decade as a high school English teacher. Zach Williams lives in San Francisco with his wife and their two young children.

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