Zalin Grant

Over the Beach: The Air War in Vietnam

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 320 Seiten
ISBN 0393242463
EAN 9780393242461
Veröffentlicht April 2005
Verlag/Hersteller W. W. Norton & Company

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"The Right Stuff without the hype, Yeager without the ego."—Washington Post Book World
"While the jet-jockey competitiveness, the undercurrent of fear, the victories and foul-ups of jet sweeps have been described many times, few such chronicles have done it so grippingly and with such a ring of accuracy. Mr. Grant explores the emotions felt not only by the men in battle but by the wives and others left behind, and the questions the war raised in their minds. To put in larger context the war's impact on individual participants, the author periodically reviews the high-level struggles over how to fight the air war. "What is most impressive is to find an analysis so clearly stated, so seemingly on track in locating the weak spots in the policies of various political and military officials....Written in a straightforward yet stylish prose, Over the Beach carries tremendous conviction."—Richard Witkin, New York Times Book Review


Zalin Grant reported from Vietnam for Time and The New Republic. Author of Survivors and other works, he divides his time between Paris and Washington.

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