Zoe Mckey

Sleep Smarter

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1393544592
EAN 9781393544593
Veröffentlicht Juni 2020
Verlag/Hersteller Zoe McKey
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
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Do you feel powerless, impatient and annoyed during the day? Do you struggle falling asleep at night thus you wake up utterly exhausted? If you never get enough sleep and have no energy…
This book is for you!
Sleep Smarter comes with evening habits that help you save energy, organize your upcoming day better, develop good health and sleeping routines, and become less stressed on a daily basis.
This book will teach you to organize your day better, feel productive at late hours, improve your morning activity, lose weight and most importantly, sleep well. It provides you with the most powerful and effective habits to re-organize your day and eliminate unfinished businesses that keep you up at night.
Do you want to make better use of your evening hours, and sleep like a baby after a well-managed day? Check out Sleep Smarter and start transforming your life starting tonight!
Learn the best, techniques and exercises that help you sleep faster, deeper, and better.
•Feel more energized throughout your day
•Adopt a health preserving lifestyle
•Have restful and refreshing sleep
•Overcome decision fatigue
•Plan tomorrow like a professional
The key to daytime success is nothing more than a good night sleep.
•Learn to create a cozy environment for a better sleep
•Tips and exercises that make your sleep more restful
•How to involve your family in your evening chore
•Evening nutrition and physical activity tips
•Step-by-step exercises in each chapter
Say goodbye to sleepless nights whether because of bad sleeping habits, whether because of a bad conscience. This book will guide you to plan your day better, finish all your tasks, go to the bed without regrets and sleep restfully.

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