Brian M Pete, Robin J Fogarty

Twelve Brain Principles That Make the Difference

Sprache: Englisch.
kartoniert , 112 Seiten
ISBN 1634503597
EAN 9781634503594
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2015
Verlag/Hersteller Skyhorse Publishing
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Here Brian Pete and Robin Fogarty explain how the brain learns best and all the things teachers can do to facilitate the learning part of the teaching scene.
They present a unique organization of Renate and Geoffrey Caine's twelve brain principles. The twelve principles are arranged in four specific quadrants. Each quadrant speaks to a particular aspect of the high-achieving classroom and highlights how instructional decisions are governed by the twelve principles. The Table of Contents:
Part One: Climate for Learning
Challenge/Threat: Learning Principle
Emotions/Cognition: Learning Principle
Focused/Peripheral: Learning Principle
Part Two: Skills of Learning
Parts/Whole: Learning Principle
Spatial/Rote: Learning Principle
Parallel Processing: Learning Principle
Part Three: Interactions With Learning
Physiology: Learning Principle
Brain Uniqueness: Learning Principle
Social/Experience: Learning Principle
Part Four: Learning About Learning
Meaning: Learning Principle
Patterning: Learning Principle
Conscious/Unconscious: Learning Principle


Brian M. Pete is president of The Education Associates, an international consulting firm, and cofounder of Robin Fogarty & Associates. He has a rich background in professional development and has worked in and videotaped classroom teachers and professional experts in schools throughout the United States, Europe, Asia, Australia, and New Zealand. Pete's work on educational videos include Best Practices: Classroom Management and BestPractices: Active Learning Classrooms. He is the coauthor of books that include From Staff Room to Classroom (Corwin Press 2007), and titles from the Nutshell Collection, which include How to Differentiate Learning, Data!Dialogue! Decisions!, Twelve Principles That Make the Difference, Nine Best Practices That Make the Difference, Close the Achievement Gap, The Adult Learner, and A Look at Transfer.
Robin J. Fogarty received her doctorate in curriculum and human resource development from Loyola University of Chicago. A leading proponent of the thoughtful classroom, Robin has trained educators throughout the world in curriculum, instruction and assessment strategies.
She has taught at all levels, from kindergarten to college, served as an administrator, and consulted with state departments and ministries of education in the United States, Puerto Rico, Russia, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, Great Britain, Singapore, Korea and the Netherlands.