Colin Barrow, Paul Barrow, Robert Brown

The Business Plan Workbook

A Step-By-Step Guide to Creating and Developing a Successful Business. 10. Auflage. Accessible EPUB. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 320 Seiten
ISBN 1789667380
EAN 9781789667387
Veröffentlicht Februar 2021
Verlag/Hersteller Kogan Page eBook
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Lay down the foundations of a successful business venture through a thoroughly researched and competitive business plan.
Based on tried and tested business methodology used at the leading business school, Cranfield School of Management, this 10th edition of The Business Plan Workbook guides you through all the necessary steps to constructing a winning business plan. This is a practical run-through of 26 key areas of development of strategic planning. It will allow you to think of these areas in isolation through the use of assignments that ensure you have stress-tested your business proposition. This guide covers how to
- Come up with a winning business idea
- Complete market and competitive research
- Set up a winning marketing strategy
- Forecast watertight financials and projections
- Define realistic operations and staffing
- Deliver an unforgettable pitch to potential backers and investors
This new and fully updated edition includes 67 business case studies that show you how successful entrepreneurs have dealt with strategic planning in the past. The content has been streamlined to focus on the most critical parts of business planning, ensuring you spend time where it matters and stay competitive. With new information resources and financial planning consideration, this is an invaluable guide for entrepreneurs, business executives and students.


Colin Barrow has lectured in business schools in the UK, the USA, Australia, the Far East and throughout Europe. A former visiting fellow at Cranfield School of Management, he is the author of the 30 Day MBA series, Financial Management for the Small Business and Starting a Business from Home (all published by Kogan Page).
Paul Barrow is a visiting fellow at Cranfield and also a consultant advising SMEs on growth strategies.
Robert Brown is a visiting fellow at Cranfield and directed the Graduate Enterprise Programme there, where he led a course on entrepreneurship.

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