Insidious Capital

Frontlines of Value at the End of a Global Cycle. Sprache: Englisch.
gebunden , 340 Seiten
ISBN 1805391550
EAN 9781805391555
Veröffentlicht Januar 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Berghahn Books
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With a team of anthropologists and geographers, Insidious Capital explores "value and values" in what may well be the last phase of capitalist globalization. In a global perspective of fast transforming social spaces that move from East to West, the book explores the struggles around the exploitation and valuation of labor, environmental politics, expansion of the ground rent, new hierarchies, the contradictions of higher education, the off shoring of "immaterial" labor, the illiberal right, and the mobilizations against it. This is a book about the variegated frontlines of value within an uneven, but not random, geography of capitalist expansion.


Don Kalb is Professor of Social Anthropology at the University of Bergen, where he directed the 'Frontlines of Value' project. Currently he is Academic Director of GRIP, a research program on global social inequality of the University of Bergen with the International Science Council, Paris. He is Founding Editor of Focaal - Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology, Focaalblog, and the Dislocations series (all by Berghahn Books).

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