Musical Ecologies -

Musical Ecologies

Instrumental Music Ensembles Around the World. 1. Auflage. 9 schwarz-weiße Abbildungen, 4 schwarz-weiße Fotos, 5 schwarz-weiße Zeichnungen, 10 schwarz-weiße Tabellen. Sprache: Englisch. Dateigröße in MByte: 23.
pdf eBook , 256 Seiten
ISBN 1000783200
EAN 9781000783209
Veröffentlicht November 2022
Verlag/Hersteller Taylor & Francis

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Community music around the world reflects the growing and diverse ways humans collectivize and express themselves. This co-edited volume investigates beyond generalist intercultural and internationalist concepts to reveal the complexity of social ways people come together to make music.


Leon R de Bruin is an educator, performer, and researcher in music education, creativity, cognition, creative pedagogies, and improvisation. He is Lecturer in Music at the University of Melbourne, Conservatorium of Music, co-ordinating the Master of Music Performance Teaching degree (MMPT). He is a staunch advocate for quality music education in Australia and music teacher education, and is Australian Society for Music Education National President, and an executive of ISME Instrumental and Vocal Teaching Commission (IVMTC). He has published over 50 articles, chapters, and edited books, including Revolutions in Music Education: Historical and Social Implications, Creativities in Arts Education, Research and Practice: International Perspectives for the Future of Learning and Teaching, and Creativity in Education in the Oxford Research Encyclopaedia of Education.Jane Southcott is a professor, Faculty of Education, Monash University, Australia. Jane researches the history of the music curriculum in Australia, America, and Europe, and she is also a hermeneutic phenomenologist researching community engagement with the arts, multicultural music education, and cultural identity with a focus on lifelong education. Jane teaches in postgraduate programs and supervises many postgraduate research students. Dr Southcott is co-editor of the International Journal of Music Education, a member of the editorial boards of international and national refereed journals, and a life member of the Australian and New Zealand Association for Research in Music Education.

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