Richard Kallan

Punctuation Revisited

A Strategic Guide for Academics, Wordsmiths, and Obsessive Perfectionists. Paperback. Sprache: Englisch.
kartoniert , 156 Seiten
ISBN 1138338281
EAN 9781138338289
Veröffentlicht April 2020
Verlag/Hersteller Routledge
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Punctuation Revisited is an advanced, comprehensive guide to the importance of punctuation in conveying meaning and augmenting the power of a message.
Richard Kallan provides guidance on how to structure sentences accurately and in a manner that enhances their readability and rhetorical appeal. This book discusses in fine detail not just when and how to employ specific punctuation marks, but the rationale behind them. It also notes when the major academic style manuals differ in their punctuation advice. These unique features are designed to benefit beginning, intermediate, and advanced students of standard punctuation practice.
Punctuation Revisited is a wonderful resource for students of composition and writing, an essential read for writing center tutors and faculty, as well as the perfect addition to anyone's professional library.


Richard Kallan chairs the Communication Department at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. He has taught writing at several colleges, including the University of Southern California (USC Marshall School of Business) and the University of California, Santa Barbara (Writing Program).