Rosi Mcnab

French Grammar Made Easy

2. Auflage. Paperback. Sprache: Französisch.
kartoniert , 216 Seiten
ISBN 1138946214
EAN 9781138946217
Veröffentlicht Mai 2016
Verlag/Hersteller Routledge
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French Grammar Made Easy is the ideal introduction to the basics of French grammar for anyone new to the language or looking to refresh their knowledge.
The Grammar features:
concise and jargon-free explanations supported by examples
exercises throughout to reinforce learning
a "fast-track" option for more advanced learners
a full answer key, making the Grammar ideal for self-study.
French Grammar Made Easy presents the essential patterns and rules of the French language in a clear and accessible manner. It is the ideal Grammar for those wishing to supplement their learning and move beyond the phrasebook level.


Rosi McNab is an independent author and has published courses and grammars for French, Mandarin, Italian, Spanish, Polish and German.