Simon Sinek

Start With Why

How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone To Take Action. Illustrations. Sprache: Englisch.
kartoniert , 246 Seiten
ISBN 0241958229
EAN 9780241958223
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2011
Verlag/Hersteller Penguin Books Ltd (UK)
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Simon Sinek is the bestselling author of Start with Why, Leaders Eat Last and Together is Better which have helped organizations around the world inspire their people to reach new heights. He has presented his ideas to Fortune 100 companies and small startups; to non-profit organizations and members of Congress; to foreign ambassadors and the highest levels of the US military, among many others. His TED Talk based on Start with Why is the third most popular video of all time on, with more than 33 million views.


Simon Sinek