

Graphic Novel - Continental Drifter from Kathy MacLeod

15.06.2024 11:00 Uhr - 12:00 Uhr

Veranstaltungsort: Mouse & Bear Books

Continental Drifter

With a Thai mother and an American father, Kathy lives in two different worlds. She spends most of the year in Bangkok, where she’s secretly counting the days till summer vacation. That’s when her family travels for twenty-four hours straight to finally arrive in a tiny seaside town in Maine.

Kathy loves Maine’s idyllic beauty and all the exotic delicacies she can’t get back home, like clam chowder and blueberry pie. But no matter how hard she tries, she struggles to fit in. She doesn’t look like the other kids in this rural New England town. Kathy just wants to find a place where she truly belongs, but she’s not sure if it’s in America, Thailand . . . or anywhere.

An exciting reading in English with projector, a question and answer session and book signing.

We are looking forward to having Kathy read from her debut Graphic Novel!

For kids 7 and up


Autorenlesung - "Mina Wirbelfee" Zoe Magdalena

06.07.2024 11:00 Uhr - 12:00 Uhr

Poetry-Slammerin und Autorin Zoe Magdalena liest aus ihrem neuen Buch, "Mina Wirbelfee". Eine lustige Geschichte über Mina, die endlich eine richtige Fee sein will.
Für Kinder ab 5